Get noticed, be there for each other and help the next generation

ICG Women’s Network hosted 100 Women in Finance CEO Amanda Pullinger

Amanda Pullinger, CEO of 100 Women in Finance, was hosted by our employee-led women’s network earlier in the year. The evening discussion and internal networking focused on empowering women in the workplace.

Amanda provided ICG employees with insights into her career and left the audience with these three key career recommendations.

1. Be visible

My message to women in general is: be visible. Take opportunities. I know that traditionally we have believed that by working hard and performing, someone will notice you. If you need to be disabused of that fact, I can tell you it is rubbish. That is not how you get noticed. You get noticed by being on a stage, whether that’s real or virtual. Whether that’s internal or external. All of us, all of us can be more visible. All of us can do things in our professional lives that make us more visible

2. Be honest

It is about being with your people, being with people who get that there are days, as a woman, that you feel like a bad mother, bad employee, because you can’t give 100% to everything. You’re ready to give up. In those moments, you want someone to call who gets exactly what you’re going through. At every career stage I’ve met women around the world who said ‘Thank goodness for 100 Women’ in those moments where I’ve been able to pick up the phone or go out for a drink with someone, just to be able to say to someone, ‘This is what’s happening to me’ and for them to say ‘I get it, I get it, I exactly know what you’re talking about’.

3. Demystify finance

You may never know her but some young woman is going to end up in this industry because they heard you talking. They heard a woman talk about how cool it was to invest. How cool it was to make a difference. We’ve got to humanise this industry. We’ve got to demystify this industry so that the next generation could see that someone like them got there and understand how they got there and why they love what they do and the difference that they can make in the world.


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