Leadership & Governance

ICG is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and adheres to the provisions of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance issued by the Financial Reporting Council.

We invest continuously in our systems and people to ensure best practice corporate governance. We have put in place teams and processes to monitor and manage the quality of our fund reporting, data security and interactions, and we work closely with our Board to challenge ourselves continuously.

Annual report

Our latest Annual Report and Accounts, to read by section or download in full

Front cover of ICG Annual Report and Accounts 2024

The Executive Directors have responsibility for managing the Group worldwide and execute its strategy, as delegated by the Board.

They have general responsibility for:

  • The Group’s resources
  • Executing the approved strategy
  • Financial and operational control
  • Managing the business worldwide

Benoît Durteste

Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer

Board member


The Board comprises three executive directors, a non-executive Chair, and five other non-executive directors of whom all are independent.

The Board has the authority to conduct the business of the Company in accordance with the Company’s constitutional documents and runs the Company for the long-term benefit of shareholders.

Related documents


Benoît Durteste

Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer

Board member


We oversee the Group’s financial reporting and related elements of its accounting internal controls and regulatory compliance, in addition to the internal and external auditing processes.

Areas of focus

  • Fairness and clarity of reported financial information
  • Governance
  • Accounting and financial reporting
  • External audit
  • Internal controls and internal audit

Related documents


Matthew Lester
Non Executive Director


We oversee the membership of the Board to ensure a balance of skills and experience amongst the Directors. We also oversee senior management succession planning and the governance practices and processes of the Group. Our work ensures that the Group has a stable Board and senior management team who are able to deliver increased shareholder value.

Areas of focus

  • Director skills and experience
  • Diversity, inclusiveness and culture
  • Succession planning
  • Non executive appointments
  • Executive appointments

Related documents


William Rucker

William Rucker 



We determine the Group’s remuneration policy and review the remuneration of senior management. Five guiding principles are reflected in the design of the staff compensation arrangements. Our remuneration principles are fully aligned with our strategy – to maximise shareholder returns by growing our fund management business and optimising the use of our balance sheet.

Remuneration principles

  • Alignment between staff and shareholders
  • Support the long term corporate strategy
  • Promote staff equity ownership
  • Transparent
  • Reward on cash

Related documents


Virginia Holmes
Non Executive Director


Our work focuses on having a robust risk management framework to identify, assess and manage the principal risks that could impact our business, within our defined risk appetite. This includes external risks, emerging risks and the oversight of risk related regulations such as the ICAAP.

Areas of Focus

  • Governance
  • Principal and emerging risks
  • Risk management procedures and controls
  • Risk management framework
  • Regulatory risks

Related documents


Rosemary Leith

Rosemary Leith
Non Executive Director


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